• Identify negative chatter and encourage positive behavior. Recognize 6 signs that your office has a problem with gossip and rumors before they escalate, and understand how managers may inadvertently encourage negative behaviors, with actionable steps to stop it.
• Handle difficult personalities effectively. Gain best practices for dealing with tattletales, drama queens, whiners, and bullies, ensuring they don’t derail team morale. Discover how to turn gossip and the grapevine to your advantage.
• Avoid sensitive topics and manage rumor peaks. Learn the 7 topics everyone should avoid at the office to maintain a respectful and professional environment. Find out when the rumor mill will always heat up, with effective strategies to mitigate its impact.
• Focus on behavior, not attitude. Shift your focus from discussing “attitude” to addressing specific, actionable behaviors that can be corrected. Utilize the “team turnaround” process to involve your group in solving the problem collectively.
• Leverage positive reinforcement and conduct effective coaching. Harness the power of high expectations, sincere praise, and clear consequences to foster a positive work culture. Master 10 steps for conducting an exceptional coaching session that drives real change.
• Address denial and blame, and take next steps. Implement techniques to use when employees blame others or deny responsibility, ensuring accountability. Learn what to do when coaching doesn’t work and how to enforce accountability.